Breast implants can provide women with a full, youthful bosom. Whether a patient is simply seeking subtle volume or would prefer a dramatic lift and size boost, a breast augmentation can fit each patient’s specific aesthetic desires.
Many women considering implants wonder whether or not they should wait until after they are done having kids to get breast implants. The short answer to this question is yes – if you can wait, wait. However, that’s only if you are planning on having children in the immediate future.
If you have no immediate plans for children, then there are the factors to consider before making your decision:
Breast Implants do not Impact your Ability to get Pregnant
Studies have shown that breast implants do not increase your risk of miscarriage or make it harder to conceive a child. So if your concern is that breast implants will make it harder for you to get pregnant if you do decide to have children, fear not!
Breast Implants do not Impact your Baby’s Health
Again, studies based on thousands of women’s experiences show there is no increased risk of birth defects associated with implants. This applies to both silicone and saline breast implants. You can also rest assured that even if you have a breast augmentation and decide to breastfeed your baby, the implants will not negatively affect your baby’s health.
Breastfeeding Might be Tricky with Implants… but it Might not!
Many women are able to successfully breastfeed following augmentation with implants. However, it’s difficult to predict the impact a breast augmentation will have on breastfeeding for individual women. For women who are adamant about wanting to breastfeed, it is probably better to wait until after child-rearing to consider a breast augmentation. If you are able to breastfeed, however, the breastfeeding itself should not negatively affect your breast augmentation results.
Pregnancy Might Impact your Breast Augmentation Results
As far as the actual look and feel of your breast augmentation, pregnancy might have an effect on your surgical results. The factors that determine whether pregnancy will impact your breast augmentation include: your age, the age of your implants, the characteristics of your breast tissue, and the extent of changes your breasts undergo during pregnancy. The latter is really impossible to predict, but you can talk to women in your family about their experiences to get an idea of what to expect. Typically, the size, and skin tone of the breasts change. But despite these factors, the majority of women with breast implants are still happy with their results after pregnancy.
Ultimately, whether or not you decide to have your breast augmentation before or after having more children is up to you. Your results and your ability to breastfeed might be impacted, but they might not. If you are taking the safer approach, it’s probably best to wait. But know that the final choice lies with you!