Even with the significant popularity of breast augmentation surgery, there are still pervasive myths about the operation. If you have decided to get a breast augmentation and are researching the procedure, you may come across information that simply isn’t true. It’s essential to be able to differentiate between accurate information and falsehoods. Below are some common myths about breast augmentation surgery you may encounter.
Myth 1: I can’t breastfeed with implants.
This is probably the biggest myth when it comes to breast implants. An implant can take up space in the breast and reduce milk production slightly, but most women with breast implants can breastfeed without issue. As long as there is no disturbance to the nipples and milk ducts, the ability to breastfeed is unaffected. Studies have shown that women with breast implants struggle to breastfeed at the same rate as women who have never had the procedure.
It’s also important to understand that there is no worry that a leaking breast implant will contaminate your breast milk. Modern day implants are quite safe for both you and your nursing baby.
Breastfeeding Tips
If you do have trouble breastfeeding, try these tips:
- Breastfeed often. Eight to ten feeding sessions a day will help you and your baby practice.
- Pump every day. The more you empty your breasts, the more milk they will produce.
- Make sure your baby latches properly during feedings.
- Consult a lactation expert for help.
Myth 2: Breast implants are dangerous.
Like many falsehoods, there is a nugget of truth in this one — or there was at one point in time. Always considered safe, saline implants contain benign saltwater, which your body will quickly and safely absorb if an implant does leak. Silicone implants have a slightly different history.
In 1992, concerns over the safety of silicone implants prompted the FDA to ban their use in most cases. However, further study failed to establish a relationship between illness and silicone implants, and silicone gel implants were returned to the U.S. market in 2006. Since then, millions of women have safely enjoyed their breast implants.
Myth 3: I’ll need to replace my implants frequently.
There is no reason to replace your implants unless a complication occurs. Although surgeons recommend getting your implants checked after ten years, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll need them replaced. Many women have had their implants last for more than 20 years while remaining soft and natural-looking.
One of the most common reasons to replace a breast implant is saline leakage. If a saline implant leaks or ruptures, the saline will leak out and essentially deflate the breast. Although this is not dangerous, it is sometimes quite obvious, and your surgeon will need to replace the implant.
Myth 4: My breasts will look fake.
Modern advancements have made it possible for breast implants to look and feel completely natural. Because every patient is different, we use several different methods and strategies when performing breast augmentations. Ultimately, each augmentation is tailored to every individual patient to produce natural-looking results.
Myth 5: I’ll lose sensation after a breast augmentation.
Post-breast augmentation, it is normal for patients to lose sensation around the nipples. However, as your nerves heal and adjust, the feeling will gradually return. It’s rare to lose sensation in the nipples permanently.
Myth 6: My results will show immediately.
As is true of most cosmetic procedures, your results won’t be evident immediately after surgery. Your muscles will react to your procedure by contracting, causing the implants to sit high on the chest. Swelling will also impair your ability to see your results right away. As your body recovers, your implants will drop to a more natural position. You can expect to see your final results at approximately 8 to 12 weeks post-surgery.
Myth 7: Bigger is always better.
Patients sometimes try to apply the saying “go big or go home” to their breast augmentation surgery. This is not a good idea. One reason why is that you don’t want your breasts to be out of proportion with the rest of your body. This can make your augmentation look fake and overdone. You also don’t want the back and shoulder pain that often comes with putting large breasts on a smaller person.
Note too that going too big can mean multiple surgeries. If you want to go up several cup sizes, you may need to do your augmentation in stages. Your skin needs time to relax and accept the implant, and that doesn’t happen properly when you stretch things too far too fast.
Myth 8: Implants will fix sagging breasts.
If your breasts are sagging, adding implants to them won’t cure the problem. Only a breast lift can reverse drooping. You can have a breast lift and a breast augmentation done at the same time, but don’t expect breast implants alone to make your breasts perkier. This is a common misconception.