A Rhinoplasty, or nose job, is a very popular procedure amongst men and women. Patients typically seek out a rhinoplasty to reshape their nose for a more improved symmetry and harmonious facial appearance. Some of the most common requests involve changing the nostrils’ size and position, changing the shape of the nose tip or bridge shape, and improving overall symmetry. However, a rhinoplasty is also very common to help correct breathing problems or abnormalities caused by trauma or congenital disabilities such as a deviated septum.
Patients get a nose job for several reasons, from cosmetic to medical reasons. Whether you were born with a nose that you’re unhappy with or need to correct changes to the nose from an injury, a rhinoplasty is an ideal solution. There are a few different methods available when getting a nose job, there is a closed, open, filler, or tiplasty.
Closed: During a closed rhinoplasty, the plastic surgeon will make two incisions inside the nostrils. A closed rhinoplasty is typically done when small adjustments are necessary. An advantage to this option is that there is no visible scar post-surgery.
Open: If your rhinoplasty requires more extensive work, then an open rhinoplasty is the better approach. Two incisions are made with an additional incision across the columella. This allows the plastic surgeon to better see the anatomy of the patient’s nose. By doing so, the plastic surgeon is able to detect any asymmetry or abnormalities that weren’t detected from an external examination.
Filler: A filler rhinoplasty is a non-surgical procedure to help with the asymmetry of the nose. An injectable filler is used to smooth out sharp angles, change the angle of the tip of the nose, or “fill” depressions of the nose to restore symmetry. It’s important to note that this option does not offer long-term solutions.
Tiplasty: This rhinoplasty option is not a solution for the whole nose but rather the tip of the nose. In this case, your plastic surgeon will decide whether an open or closed approach is more fitting.