You don’t want to pay more for any product or service than you have to, but sometimes low prices translate to low quality. Knowing this can make you feel a bit suspicious when you see good prices on healthcare services. When you see that Mia Aesthetics offers low prices on plastic surgeries, you may wonder whether or not we take shortcuts or sacrifice patient safety to keep our prices low. We want to reassure you that we will never do either of these things. But we are happy to share with you exactly how we do manage to keep our prices low.
Why is Mia Aesthetics So Cheap?
At Mia Aesthetics, we can keep our prices low because we keep our costs low — but we don’t skimp on anything to do it. When you work with us, you can trust your surgeon will be using well-maintained, state-of-the-art equipment and that both the surgeon and their staff are highly trained in the latest surgical and patient care techniques. The secret to our low price point is simply embracing the understanding that, as is true in every plastic surgery clinic, our surgeons are our highest paid staff members.
Unfortunately, surgeons in most clinics are forced to wear many hats. They can’t always focus on surgery alone: they may have to call in prescriptions, order surgical supplies, or participate in a million other everyday tasks that are important but that draw them away from surgery. This is costly since surgeries are, of course, the bread and butter of every surgical practice.
To combat this problem, Mia Aesthetics has focused on creating a business model that relies on specialty teams. Comprised of highly skilled individuals who are well-practiced within their respective fields, these teams handle the details of daily business operations so that our surgeons can focus on surgery. We have people dedicated to scheduling surgeries, serving as surgical consultants, helping patients prepare for surgery, and assisting with patient care and concerns after surgery.
Allowing our surgeons to focus solely on what they do best helps create a streamlined and efficient process. Efficient processes are more cost-effective ones, which creates savings that we are able to pass on to our patients. This is extremely important to us, as our company was founded on the belief that anyone who wants plastic surgery should have access to safe and affordable care.
Our Flexible Payment Options
Even with our focus on affordable options, we understand that plastic surgery isn’t always easy to fit into your budget. To help with this, we offer several financing options to make paying for your surgery easier. We work with four different healthcare financing companies that can give you the option of breaking your surgery costs down into affordable monthly payments. We truly believe that you can save money and have the body you’ve always wanted, and we’re here to help you make both of those things happen.