What Help Should I Arrange After Surgery?

Deciding whether or not to undergo plastic surgery is a big decision. If you have done your research and have decided plastic surgery is the right choice for you, congratulations! While you are likely very excited about your transformation, you may also be nervous about organizing the details for your upcoming surgery. You may be wondering who will be there to support you and take care of you during recovery and what accommodations you should be arranging during your recovery time.

It is widely known that the more prepared you are for something, the less anxiety it will bring you. The months and weeks before your surgery is when you should arrange all the details for your recovery so that in the days leading up to your surgery, you can relax and rest assured that all the important details of your recovery have already been taken care of. Below is a list of things to consider for your surgical recovery, and suggestions on who you should rely on for the smoothest recovery possible.

1. Arrange a Place to Stay
If you will be traveling for your plastic surgery, the first thing you need to arrange is a place to stay. You can choose to stay at a hotel or Airbnb if you will have a companion with you throughout your stay. Alternatively, you can choose to stay at a recovery house with other women who are in surgery recovery. Recovery houses are a great choice for patients who are traveling alone because it ensures you will have a caregiver and the needed supplies for your recovery. Additionally, recovery houses allow you to be surrounded by other patients who are going through the same experience as you, which can make your recovery time more enjoyable. The choice is entirely yours and depends on your unique needs and desires.

2. Enlist a Loved One of Family Member
Most surgeons recommend bringing a loved one or close family member along with you for your surgery. There is nothing like having someone who cares about you and loves you deeply by your side during recovery. The support and comfort of a loved one is unmatched and can help you stay calm and comfortable during recovery. Additionally, when you are weak and sore the first week or so after your procedure, they will be able to assist you with feeling more comfortable and can ensure you are eating and drinking enough to speed you along your recovery.

3. Shop for all Needed Groceries and Items
During recovery, you are going to need to rest a lot. Taking trips to the local convenience store will not be an option. To make your life easier, you should be sure to shop for any needed items ahead of your surgery and have them in easy to reach locations. Some of these items you should be sure to purchase include whole foods that are high in vitamins and low in sodium, water, electrolyte drinks and juices, any pillows or supports you may need, and loose, comfortable clothing you can wear over your surgical garments.

4. Fill Any Needed Prescriptions
Before your surgery, you will likely be prescribed pain killers to help make you more comfortable during the first few days of your recovery. You will want to make sure you fill these prescriptions before your surgery date so that you have everything ready and available when you are in recovery. This will help ease your pain and provide you some peace of mind that you will be able to manage any post-operative pain.

5. Make Any Needed Post-Op Appointments
Most procedures entail one or more follow-up visits so that your doctor can make sure everything is healing correctly and answer any questions or concerns you may have. Some procedures require that you make appointments for special treatments like lymphatic drainage massages to aid in your swelling after surgery. It is important that you check with your surgeon and make any appointments and needed transportation arrangements before you go into surgery to ensure your peace of mind during recovery.

6. Arrange a Nanny or Babysitter
If you have small children, you will also need to enlist the help of a nanny, babysitter, or a relative to help with childcare during your recovery. Soreness from your procedure will prevent you from being able to pick up your child or bend down to the ground for several weeks. Although this side effect will improve over time, enlisting some assistance can help you relax and focus on healing after surgery, knowing your children are well taken care of.

Being prepared is the best way to ensure a smooth, complication-free recovery. By enlisting the support of your loved ones and possible childcare, arranging a place to stay during your recovery, and purchasing all the necessary supplies and groceries, you can put the focus on your surgery and your upcoming transformation!

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