If you have excess skin on your legs, a thigh lift may be right for you. A thigh lift is a permanent solution that helps redefine, tighten, and contour the legs by getting rid of excess sagging skin. Patients will have the option to choose from an inner thigh lift, medial thigh lift, or bilateral thigh lift. Therefore, every patient’s recovery varies based on the type of thigh lift performed, the extent of treatment, and personal healing times.
The first 24-hours
The thigh lift procedure is done under general anesthesia. The first 24-hours after cosmetic surgery are usually the most difficult. It’s normal to wake up feeling tired, sore, and nauseous. Your thighs will be wrapped in ACE bandages when you first wake up, and these must remain on for a week after surgery. Small drainage tubes may be placed under the skin to drain any fluids from your thighs. Although you may feel soreness and discomfort, it’s important to walk around your home to keep your circulation moving.
One week after surgery
It’s normal to feel pain during the first week of surgery. However, pain should subside as your body recovers. Swelling and bruising are also to be expected during this week. It’s crucial for your results to wear your compression garments and bandages per your surgeon’s request. And because your incisions are on your thighs, it’s important to be cautious when moving. Your incisions are subject to tension and pulling when you do any movement, as your thighs are involved in almost every bodily action and movement.
One month after surgery
Pain should be gone after two to three weeks, and bruising should be starting to fade. Swelling will still be present but continuing to decrease daily. After two to three weeks, patients should have recovered enough to return to work and resume light exercise. While scars may be prominent the first few months, they will begin to fade after about two to three months.
Six months after surgery
All swelling, pain, and bruising should have subsided entirely by this point. All final results should be evident by now. Thigh lift results are permanent if your health and fitness remain the same. It’s important to maintain a stable weight- weight loss post-surgery may lead to more sagging skin, whereas weight gain may increase thigh size.