The Struggles of Driving After a BBL

The Brazilian butt lift, more popularly known as a BBL, is one of the most popular fat grafting procedures that exists today. The procedure sculpts the buttocks and adds volume using the patient’s own fat from other areas of the body. No matter the patient’s age, genetics, or other factors, butt enhancement can lift, tighten, and improve the overall appearance of the buttocks. While most patients who undergo a BBL say the end result and contoured aesthetic they receive from the procedure are well worth it, there are some day-to-day inconveniences that BBL patients experience in the days and weeks following their procedure.

The most obvious setback Brazilian butt lift patients face is the inability to sit down directly on their buttocks for three weeks after surgery. Most patients say they don’t realize just how much they sit down until they are restricted from doing so! Some activities that require adjustments during your BBL recovery period are sitting at your work desk, lying in bed, sitting down to watch TV or read, exercising, traveling by plan, and of course, driving your car.

Below we go over some helpful tips and adjustments you can make to avoid the struggles of driving after a BBL, and other sitting activities:

Driving After Your BBL
After your BBL, you will want to avoid sitting directly on your buttock for at least three weeks. During this time, however, you may still find that you need to drive in order to get to work or to your regular day-to-day activities. Be mindful that you should avoid driving for at least two weeks after your procedure and possibly longer if you are feeling weak or woozy.

While sitting directly on your butt is prohibited, you can sit in your car to drive with the help of your BBL pillow. A BBL pillow is a small cushion that goes under your lower thigh area to take pressure off of your buttocks area when sitting. Using your BBL pillow will allow your butt to stay suspended in the air instead of pressing directly on your car seat, preventing excess weight on the area. To sit in your car, first, place your BBL pillow on the front part of your seat, or the area closest to the steering wheel. Then, gently raise yourself into the car and sit, leaning your back fully against the back of the seat. Your lower thighs should be sitting on your BBL pillow, and your booty should be slightly raised to avoid excess pressure and weight on the area.

If you do choose to drive at least two weeks after your BBL, avoid driving during rush hour or over long distances to minimize the amount of time you are sitting. If necessary, make a stop every thirty minutes or so to stretch your legs, drink some water, and readjust yourself.

Working at a Desk After Your BBL
Working a desk job after your BBL can pose as large of an inconvenience as driving. Luckily, there are various ways you can get around having to sit in your desk all day. Depending on the culture of your workplace, some BBL patients choose to work while laying on their stomachs. This works well if you are using a laptop and not a desktop computer. Of course, this adjustment won’t work for everyone as not all companies are fond of their employees working on the floor. If your company is a bit stricter, you can opt for using a standing desk. Standing desks come in various types of models. Some can be placed on top of a traditional desk when you feel like standing up. Others are complete units that can be adjusted depending on when you want to sit or stand. Even if you have not undergone a Brazilian butt lift, standing desks are a great investment for your health. According to Healthline, people who sit a lot every day have an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and early death. Standing desks may lower your risk for diabetes, obesity, back pain and depression. Standing desks may even boost energy and productivity, so purchasing one is a great decision for added comfort during your recovery time and your overall wellbeing.

Sleeping After Your BBL
Sleeping after your Brazilian Butt Lift can be difficult, as you are forced for three to six weeks to lie on your stomach for the duration of your rest. Ideally, you will want to sleep on your stomach during the time to prevent the fat in your new booty from shifting or dying from a lack of circulation. If you have had other procedures on the front side of your body, such as a breast augmentation or lift, you may need to sleep on your side. Wedge cushions and pillows can be used to ease the comfort of whatever position you choose to sleep in to ensure the longevity of your long-awaited results.

In Conclusion
While the recovery time after a BBL can be very inconvenient and tasking, by taking time to research the adjustments you will have to make and by purchasing any needed items like your BBL pillow, a standing desk and special wedge pillows for sleeping, you can get through your recovery smoothly and with your new booty intact! Be sure to read all your post-op care instructions and ask your surgeon any questions you have about recovery before undergoing your BBL to ensure the best possible results.

Related Reading:

When Can I Sit After a BBL?

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