If you are considering undergoing a breast augmentation, you may be wondering what implant size is right for you. Determining what implant size is best for you is based on a variety of factors. Things like your height and frame, your lifestyle, and your personality type can all help determine what size implant will compliment you best and help you achieve your desired look.
Below we go over a variety of different ways you can decide what implant size is right for you:
1. Do a Rice or Water Test
Many patients think that implants are measured by bra cup size, A, B, C, D, DD and so forth. But implants are actually measured in cubic centimeters, or CCs. One ml equals one CC. One way you can experiment with different implant sizes at home is by trying the classic rice test, or the water test.
To perform the rice test, grab a pair of old pantyhose and cut off a 12-inch strip (do not use the foot part). Tie a small knot in the bottom end. Then, measure out your preferred amount of uncooked rice in a measuring cup with a milliliter measure to fill the pantyhose with. Tie off the top end. Do this twice to have one for each bra cup.
The water test is similar to the rice test. Instead of using pantyhose and rice, you will use a plastic baggy and water poured from a measuring cup. For either method, you should try on different tops and dresses over your new “breasts” to get a good idea of how you would look. You can wear a bra that is larger than your current sized bras and fill it with the rice or water bags to have an idea of what size bra you might be wearing after your procedure.
2. Consider your Lifestyle
Lifestyle is another important consideration when determining what implant size is right for you. For example, if you work out frequently and are a fan of vigorous, bouncy exercises like running or tennis, having very large breasts could make these activities more difficult.
3. Consider your Personality Type and Desired End Goal
Your personality type and desired final results will also help determine what size implants are right for you. For example, if you are someone who loves being the center of attention and aren’t afraid to wear more revealing clothing, a larger implant size may be right for you. However, if you are more modest in nature, you may want a smaller implant size that just complements your overall shape better.
4. Consult with your Surgeon
Lastly, the best way to decide what size implant is right for you is by having a consultation with your surgeon. Every plastic surgeon at Mia Aesthetics is experienced in breast augmentations and will be able to tell by taking a look at you approximately what size will complement your frame and shape. With a one-on-one consultation, you will be able to discuss any concerns or questions with your surgeon and come up with a plan for your procedure. Soon enough, you will be getting the breast implants of your dreams!