Mini Facelift Recovery


Woman recovering from a facelift

The Mini Facelift Recovery Process

Focusing on the bottom third of the face, a mini facelift corrects signs of aging in the jowls, cheeks, and neck. Mini facelifts require a shorter recovery period than traditional facelifts but devoting adequate time to recovery is still important. Recovering well ensures that your body gets what it needs to heal properly and without complications. Taking good care of yourself after surgery helps you feel better faster and supports superior surgical outcomes.

Here we’ll tell you what you need to know to recover smoothly.

Immediate Post-Operative Phase

During the first 24 to 48 hours after surgery, the bottom portion of your face will be swollen and bruised. To keep this to a minimum, keep your head elevated and periodically apply cold compresses. Plan on resting and limiting your movement. Your face may feel tight or sore. Feel free to stick to liquids and soft foods if chewing adds to this tight sensation or is uncomfortable.

Patients report mild to moderate pain in the first few days following mini facelift surgery. Your plastic surgeon will prescribe prescription pain medication to get you over the hump. Please take it—skipping it or cutting back the dosage too soon only serves to make you more uncomfortable than you need to be. We’re very careful about what and how much medication we prescribe. If you have concerns about taking pain medication, discuss them with your surgeon before your procedure.

Unless your surgeon says otherwise, you can remove your bandages and shower 48 hours after your surgery. Take care not to soak your incisions, however. Clean them and then pat them dry, bandaging them again after washing if necessary. If your doctor has asked you to, always wear your compression chin strap unless you’re in the shower.

General Mini Facelift Recovery Timeline

Full recovery from a mini facelift takes about six weeks, but you’ll look and feel better well before then. This timeline will help you know what to expect and when, but remember that everyone is different. Your journey could look a little different.

Week 1:

  • Swelling and bruising start to ease but are still visible
  • You will have a follow-up appointment with your surgeon at which time your stitches will be removed
  • Keep your incisions clean and bandaged
  • Continue wearing your compression garment as instructed
  • Start walking a bit to increase your circulation but don’t bend, lift, or engage in strenuous activities

Weeks 2–3:

  • Return to work and light exercise
  • Swelling and bruising continue to subside; bruising can likely be covered with makeup
  • Incisions will be close to healed and may appear red or slightly raised
  • Your surgeon may ask you to continue your compression garment at night only
  • Continue sleeping with your head elevated

Weeks 4–6:

  • Resume exercise without limitations
  • Begin silicone scar treatments if desired
  • Any noticeable swelling and bruising resolve

Long-Term Expectations:

  • Scars continue to fade for up to a year
  • Final procedure results will be visible in three to six months with improvements potentially continuing for up to a year
  • Any numbness experienced after surgery should fade within a year
  • Develop a good skincare routine

Tips for a Smoother Recovery

Fortunately, recovering from mini facelift surgery is not difficult or lengthy. Still, a few helpful tips and hints never hurt, so we would like to offer a few. Although often overlooked, two of the best things you can do to aid your recovery are to eat a balanced diet and stay hydrated. Nutritious food gives your body everything it needs to heal itself, and the right foods and adequate hydration are both good for your skin as you recover and in the long term.

Though we know it can be difficult, it’s important that you keep your head elevated when sleeping after surgery. This is sometimes easier if you sleep in a chair or use a wedge pillow to prop yourself up in bed. Remember to avoid heavy lifting, bending over, and strenuous activities as directed even if you’re feeling good. It’s vital that you follow your surgeon's guidelines and don’t try to do too much too soon.

You can use ice packs wrapped in towels to help ease bruising and swelling during the first few days. Some patients then like to switch to warm compresses to ease soreness. You may do this, but use warm compresses only after your swelling stabilizes and bruising starts to fade. You can also use over-the-counter pain relievers if you’re sore but avoid aspirin and ibuprofen as these can make bruising worse.

Lastly, make sure you attend any and all follow-up appointments your surgeon schedules for you. Follow-up care helps to ensure a smooth recovery and can catch potential complications early before they become problematic. At Mia Aesthetics, we require patients visiting us from out of town to stay in the area for five days so we can treat them as necessary after their procedure.

Potential Complications and Red Flags

During your recovery, it’s important to contact your surgeon if you have any questions or concerns. Some patients hesitate to call us with questions because they’re afraid of becoming a pest. We promise that you won’t be. Surgeons would rather you call them and ultimately not need them than avoid calling when you should. That being said, here are some potential signs of complications that you should absolutely call your surgeon about:

  • Excessive bleeding from or opening of your incisions
  • Signs of infection including discharge, puffiness, or warmth at the incision sites as well as fever
  • Bruising extending beyond the surgical area
  • Sudden swelling, especially on only one side of the face
  • Severe pain
  • Dark or black skin around the incision

Maintaining Mini Facelift Results After Recovery

A mini facelift can turn back the clock and reverse some signs of aging, but unfortunately, the clock starts ticking again after your surgery. Some signs of aging may return in time. Happily, there are things you can do to help the results of your mini facelift last a little longer. They include:

  • Using sun protection every day, even when it’s cloudy
  • Following a skincare routine that includes gentle cleansing and moisturizing
  • Eating a healthy, balanced diet
  • Staying hydrated
  • Finding a way to manage your stress
  • Considering complementary treatments such as dermal fillers or Botox

Related: How Long Do Mini Facelift Results Last?

Frequently Asked Questions

How soon can I wear makeup after a mini facelift?

You can wear makeup seven to 10 days after your mini facelift so long as your incisions are fully healed. Use fragrance-free, hypoallergenic makeup and choose the tint that will work best for your situation. Green-tinted concealers neutralize redness while yellow-tinted concealers mask bruising.

Can I travel by plane or take a vacation during recovery?

You should be ready for local travel a week or two after your surgery. Domestic flights are generally safe in 10 to 14 days while international flights should wait three to four weeks. It’s best to avoid climates with extreme temperatures or altitudes and remember that your activity restrictions still apply. Pack light or have a strong traveling companion if you’re traveling while you still can’t lift much.

Does a mini facelift require any special garments or bandages during recovery?

Your surgeon will likely ask you to wear a compression garment after your mini facelift. We’re not going to lie—this chinstrap-like device is quite unattractive and looks kind of like a jock strap for your head. But after surgery, this compression garment serves the important purpose of reducing swelling and bruising so you can heal more quickly and without excess fluid accumulation. You’ll likely need to wear the compression strap 24/7 for the first few days after surgery and then only at night for up to three weeks after surgery.

Can I sleep on my side or stomach, or do I need to sleep elevated?

Most patients can resume sleeping however they like about a month after surgery. Until then, however, you should sleep on your back with your head elevated at a 30- to 45-degree angle. Keeping your head elevated reduces swelling and fluid accumulation while sleeping on your back prevents you from putting pressure on your surgical incisions.

When should I expect to see my final results?

It takes time for residual swelling to ease completely after surgery. You can expect the final results of your mini facelift to show themselves three to six months after your surgery.

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